Monday 14 February 2011


Fade in. This first shot is an over-the-shoulder shot of the main character stood waiting at the train station smoking a cigarette.

The character then takes a seat on the train next to a window.

We then see a line of cocaine being snorted from the point of view of the nostril. The character is in the toilet cubicle of the train.

There is then a shot of her struggling back to her seat down the aisle of the train.

This is shot similiar to the fist shot of the character sat in her seat next to the window.

There is then a zoom into the character's lips; the cocaine begins to take effect and she smiles.

Now in Newcastle, a shot of the character disembarking the train an walking towards the exit.

A pan shot from her feet, walking, to her head.

Now cuts of the character walking through the city towards a bar.

The character arrives at a bar and orders a drink.

A birds-eye-view shot of the drink.

The character takes her drink and sits outside.

She begins to light a cigarette with a match; a pan zoom towards the cigarette.

A secondary charater sits opposite the main character.

There is then a close-up of his face, across the table.

They engage in conversation; over-the-shoulder shots and two-shots.

A third character, away from the characters on the terrace, enters a phonebooth and picks up the reciever.

Another close-up of the main character.

A shot of the character in the phonebooth from outside.

A pan down reveals he has a gun in a holder on his waist.

A penultimate close-up of the main character.

A final close-up with a slow pan in to her lips, similiar to the lips shot on the train, taking a drag of her cigarette. Fade out.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


There are numerous risks with making a film; these risks can come from either the production company or from the distribution company. Some of these problems are physical, and may concern the health and safety of the cast and crew, or more financially orientated risks which take the budget and gross of the film into consideration.

Nine Frame Analysis

Friday 4 February 2011

Call sheet

Wednesday 9th February 16:00 – 20:00 Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
Inner City Saturday 12th February 13:00 – 19:00 Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
Central Station Wednesday 16th February 16:00 – 19:00
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Inner City
Hannah Godfrey 07256198653
Liam Grieves 07964502936
James Fitzsimons 07873920155
Hannah Godfrey
Red dress, fur coat, hat, red lipstick, black high-heeled shoes. Cigarettes, handbag, £10 note.
Liam Grieves
White shirt, black trousers, coloured tie, black shoes. Cigarettes, briefcase.
James Fitzsimons
White shirt, black trousers, black blazer, coloured tie, black shoes. Cigarettes,
Sony Handycam DCR SR37
Natural lights of the city, environment lighting.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Initial Ideas